Weddings and Marriage
We are honored to serve you during the beautiful process of marriage. Marriage is designed by God to be a parable of his awesome love for his people. That's why we take marriage and preparation for marriage so seriously at Refuge Point Church. We want you to experience the profound joy that comes from a God-centered marriage and want to do everything we can to make this process as easy as possible.
We believe that it is God alone who has the ultimate authority to define the marital relationship (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:1-9; Mark 10:1-12). Because of this understanding, we will only recognize marriages that meet the biblical definition: a covenant relationship between one gender-normative man and one gender-normative woman. The pastors and staff members of Refuge Point Church will only participate in weddings and officiate marriages that meet this definition.
All couples who are being married by one of our pastors must complete an approved premarital counseling course before marriage.
Due to the constraints of our facility, we do not allow the use of our property and facility for weddings.